Body Wisdom llc
Darla Schuerger LMT



Thank you for visiting the website.  My name is Darla Schuerger and I am a licensed massage therapist here in NIxa, Missouri.  I specialize in Neuromuscular Massage Therapy (NMT), which is applied pressure at trigger points along the muscle body, with the intention of releasing areas of tight bands of muscle and bringing blood flow back to the area.  This type of massage is designed to correct pain and movement dysfunction due to specific trauma, repetitive motion and bad postural habits.  NMT is generally considered an ongoing treatment, that can often take several sessions to correct the dysfunction or imbalance. 

I often combine these techniques with other types of massage, including myofacial work, Swedish massage, lomi lomi, and more.  This can give a full body massage, while giving a lesser amount of attention to the dysfunction but still provide some relief.

I would love to discuss with you how we can create a specialized massage package to meet your needs and exceed your expectations!


Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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